WE ALL GET DARK TIMES.. ... WE ALL GET THE TIME ,when we are alone ,when there is no one ,when we really need someone back . But there no one. We are searching for hope of light in dark room and we get nothing . Life always don't give us what we want but we should never lose hopes cause hope is the biggest weapon we can use against darkness. But sometimes we become afraid to share our thoughts and to raise our hopes . And we leave ourself alone in dark and depressing situations. But there some lucky people in life who are gifted with some guiding angles. These guiding angels not only light up the candles in that dark room but also hold your hands and stay with you till you stand up with all your hopes and strength . These people never want something in return. They only want to help you and want to see happiness in your face . All are not so lucky to have someone who do things without a favor in return. But if you don't have a guiding person,